Allow Me 2.22.22 Reintroduce Myself
Welcome to my blog!
Now feels like as good a time as ever to say hello and get comfortable with you. Thank you for visiting me here. is the place for me - Miss Suber - to share my ideas, likes, and discoveries.
Over the years I’ve become a connoisseur of the little things I find interesting in fashion, beauty, wellness and beyond. I love to read, travel, go to museums, EAT, and find new ways to relax. In other words, living my best life is a top priority. And yes, I’ve pretty much been this way my whole life so I have a lot of experience.
I also believe that luxury is something we can all incorporate into our daily lives. On TikTok I share “Everyday Luxury” videos of the little things you can do each day to invite luxury into your life. In the same vein, I have some pretty cool ideas coming to my YouTube channel that will expand on my utter nerdiness for certain luxury and lifestyle topics.
It’s exciting to be here with you in 2022. Some of you reading this have been following me or reading this blog for a very long time and others may be visiting for the very first time. Either way I welcome you, invite you to explore, ask questions, and share your ideas with me.
You can find me on Twitter sharing my random thoughts and inspiration, on Instagram documenting my days, or connect with me via my newsletter for the highlights of the week! I look forward to seeing you :)
Miss Suber