How To Build Your Nighttime Routine.
We have all found ourselves Googling some version “successful morning routine” in hopes of coming across some groundbreaking information. While a morning routine is key and I do have a very specific one that keeps me centered, a wind down routine before bed is just as crucial. Sleep is a time for active recovery - your body shuts certain functions down so that it can work at repairing and regenerating your cells. Beyond that, sleeping well just makes you feel good!
A proper wind-down routine before bed will change your life.
— MISS SUBER. (@misssuber) July 24, 2020
Here’s how to build your nighttime routine for better rest and great mornings.
Set Aside Time. If you know the exact latest time you can leave for work or open your laptop to log onto a Zoom call (read: all of us) and be on time, chances are you’re not leaving enough time to get ready for bed either. Pick a time that you want to be in bed by and start getting ready at least 15 mins before to prepare your mind and body for some shut eye. As you get into a rhythm you can adjust the amount of time you set aside to suit your needs.
Power Down. You knew this was coming, didn’t you? That’s because you know what’s good for you! Set boundaries with all screens in your home - phone, computer, TV. Powering down an hour before bed will limit your exposure to blue light, other people’s issues, work stress, curiosity about what happens next episode and so on. Your mind you should focused on you and the things important to you. It is totally okay to stop answering texts at a certain hour. Nobody will fault you for not answering client emails at 10pm. Twitter will always tell you what happened 9 hours ago. Relax. Put your phone down.
Enhance Your Essentials. The basic things we do at night can always use an upgrade. To me, luxury is joy in every moment. Brushing your teeth is pretty mundane but if there’s a certain flavor toothpaste you like or you want to try whitening your teeth you may look forward to and enjoy it slightly more. Find skincare that makes you feel rich. Use a shower gel or bath scent that relaxes you or brings back a nice memory. Choose ways to make the simple tasks in your life feel amazing.
Add Personal Comforts. You’re getting ready to sleep, a time when your mind can relax and explore all possibilities. Doing the things that make you feel most yourself will make sure your dreams are peaceful and you wake up refreshed. Worriers or people with a lot on their plate (again, all of us) can write to-do lists, goals, or things we’re grateful for so we can empty out some stress. Lighting candles, drawing, meditating, reading, saying your affirmations, stretching, listening to soothing music, having a cup of tea - all can help you wind down for the day. Every person is different so decide what works for you and don’t be afraid to try something new.
Resting is an essential part of our days. I want you to get the best sleep so you can live your best life! Feel free to share your nighttime routine and ask questions in the comments or tweet me @MissSuber.
Miss Suber