August! We made it. It’s actually unbelievable how 2020 has unfolded but that doesn’t mean we don’t need to shake it up every month and stay sharp. If anything, these months inside have made it feel like we need more fresh starts than ever. As we welcome another chapter of this incredible life, here are some ways to kick your month off right. I am true artist at heart and I think these things will get your creativity flowing no matter what you do for work or play. Feel free to repeat as often as you’d like :)

Change your phone background.

It seems simple but as with many things your mind begins to get used to the images you constantly see. You probably don’t even notice what’s on your lock screen anymore which is exactly why you should switch it up. If you use your lock and home screens for inspiration or motivation, a new month is the perfect time to refresh them as a way to renew your faith and dedication. The visual diet you feed yourself matters, make it fantastic.

Take the day.

We have been home for a long time now. A very long time. Being mostly in the house, whether you’ve been outside periodically or not, has us all accustomed to socially interacting online (like how I’m talking to you right now.) Our online interactions used to be our breaks or escapes from “the real world” and now these realities have become truly seamless. Stick with me! Before, when we wanted to take a personal day from work or school we often had the day planned out exactly in our minds. My suggestion is you take the day - one full day - to do whatever just came to your mind. Distancing yourself from your phone could be a start but this can translate to anything that makes you feel like you are living a day that was curated by your best self. A day just for you.

Do it “wrong.”

In times of global disease, political chaos, racial tension, oh and economic uncertainty it can feel like you have to do everything right. Or worse, you may feel like you’ve been doing everything right and you’re still not winning like you should. Either way, break your routine. Pick something you like or something you are afraid to fail at and do it the most wrong, terrible, backwards way possible. Disrupt your own system . Fuck up! What you’ll find is that it feels good. It might even turn out to be a masterpiece. The objective though is more about how you’ll feel when you’re done “doing it wrong” - free. There no singular way to do anything but when you see for yourself what the worst outcome could be, your fear dissipates. Trust me when I say your best work is on the other side of your idea of perfection.

August is going to be our best month ever. Now is the time to push. You have everything you need to win your own way, in your own lane. Keep me posted on if you try these tips and let me know what you’re working on. You can tweet me or DM me on Instagram. I can’t wait to see how the month unfolds.


Miss Suber